Custom pre 64 280 ackley price drop

Custom Winchester 280 ackley. Very accurate with 280 Remington and ackley. Borden’s accuracy builds high end benchrest rifles. This is a lightweight 24 inch barrel hunting rifle. The velocity gain with 280 Ackley puts it real close to 7mm Remington or prc with 150 -160 bullets.. I own all three and have run over a chronograph enough to know.. The only reason I’m selling this rifle is to fund the project for my next one. The scope is a Leopold vx3 4x14.
I would like to keep the scope, but I am willing to let it go with the rifle. 1000$ for rifle or 1200 for both. I am open for an offer. I would rather have cash than a trade, but I am willing to listen to what you have but will probably turn you down, but it dosenty not hurt to ask.. text is best